This year marks the 250th anniversary of the establishment of a government at the Indian mission at La Prairie, Quebec. This mission began very humbly around the cabin of Francis Xavier Tonsahoten and Catherine Gandeaktena, who had left the increasingly decadent and hostile village of… launch
Welcome to our brand-new website! Here we’ll be featuring some unique “frontier Catholic” perspectives and products, featuring the work of Claudio Salvucci, author and researcher. Check back on our official launch date of Feb. 26, 2021.
The Amazon Synod, and the Liberal Enemies of Inculturation
Despite my being on the front lines research on (ahem) “indigenous liturgies”, I have not been inspired to comment on the Amazon Synod or even, frankly, follow the news of it. That for a very simple reason. When it comes to inculturation, you have to…
Inaugural Foreword
Let’s get one thing straight right now. I’m a book guy, not a blog guy. I’ve written, edited and compiled dozens of books. Got that down at this point. But blogs? I’ve started a few, kept up with none of ’em. It ain’t my medium….