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The Life of Saint Augustine

The Life of Saint Augustine

A Translation of the Sancti Augustini Vita by Possidius, Bishop of Calama
Herbert T. Weiskotten, translator (1919)

This little biography written by his intimate friend Possidius, bishop of Calama, provides crucial information on Augustine’s life after his baptism. In straightforward, unadorned prose, Possidius shows Augustine as a powerful intellect, voluminous writer, and compelling orator who humbly endured the everyday trials and difficulties of life as a bishop in Roman Africa.
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The Roman Rite in the Algonquian and Iroquoian Missions

The Roman Rite in the Algonquian and Iroquoian Missions

This volume is the first ever book-length treatment of the distinctive American Indian Catholic liturgies of the Northeastern Woodlands. It compares and contrasts the Indian Masses of different missions with each other and with the official Roman Missal. It also contains chapters on the calendar and hagiography of the missions; formulas for Baptism, Matrimony, and other sacraments; the Divine Office; characteristic sacramentals and devotions; and religious life. The first book of its kind, and a must for scholars of Native American Catholicism.
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The Complete Works of St. Cyprian of Carthage

The Complete Works of St. Cyprian of Carthage

The Complete Works of Saint Cyprian of Carthage
Edited by Phillip Campbell
Introduction by Ryan Grant

This volume contains the entirety of Saint Cyprian's writing, "The Life and Passion of Saint Cyprian" by his companion Pontius the Deacon, and the minutes of the Seventh Council of Carthage over which Cyprian presided. Topics include the Roman persecutions, the unity of the Church, those who renounced the faith under threat from the state, the Novatian heresy and the rebaptism controversy.
Read and cited frequently by theologians down through the ages, Saint Cyprian's writings are of surpassing authority and were considered works of genius "brighter than the sun" by Saint Jerome.
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American Languages in New France

American Languages in New France

Iroquois Wars I

Iroquois Wars I

Iroquois Wars II

Iroquois Wars II

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Women in New France

Women in New France

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